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NEws & Events

Embassy of Bricks and Logs Pop-Up-Box


17.01. 10:00 - 28.01.2020 20:00


Embassy of Bricks and Logs is on a mission to create quality outerwear with a contemporary fashion appeal, deeply rooted in streetwear culture.

As a brand, Embassy of Bricks and Logs is taking a stand against the appalling practices in today‘s fashion industry while maintaining an uncompromising quality standard – creating pieces that are sustainable through outstanding craftsmanship and longevity first.

The credo: Design first. The team’s number one goal is to make a great product, with a look, feel and functionality hard to match. Only then they look into making said product as sustainable as possible – but without compromising on the quality.


Shop a handpicked selection of Embassy of Bricks and Logs outerwear classics, show pieces and exclusive items from previous collections at up to 50%.

BIKINI BERLIN, Budapester Str. 38-50, 10787 Berlin, Ground Floor, Box 4/5

Visit wwww.embassyofbricksandlogs.com to find out more about the brand's stance regarding sustainability, animal rights, materials & sourcing and sustainability goals.