
NEws & Events



10.10. 15:00 - 10.10.2020 17:30


Light, air and open space are conceptual energy building blocks of Sergey Koskov's rooftop training units. Koskov is a qualified ballet master and licensed fitness coach. His training units consist of ballet barre (strength and flexibility), lyrical moves (endurance, concentration and precision) as well as Pilates (strength and flexibility) & stretching (flexibility) with different accents.

On the BIKINI BERLIN roof terrace, Sergey Koskov offers a harmonious workout medley of empowerment and lyrical leisure.


Saturday 10th October 2020

Duration 60 minutes

Start at 3:00 p.m. and  4:30 p.m.


BIKINI BERLIN roof terrace

Budapester Str. 38-50, 10787 Berlin, S- / U-Bahnhof Zoologischer Garten, Mall Entrance East - next to Cyberport / 25h, two escalators and through the door

Costs: € 15


  • Registration stating the preferred unit / date / time at SergeyKoskov-PrivatSport@Posteo.de.
  • Confirmation via email. Payment via PayPal. The place is only guaranteed after receipt of payment.
  • Reimbursement if the training session is canceled, e.g. due to extreme weather conditions.
  • A maximum of 10 people can participate in compliance with the corona regulations. The statutory corona regulations are always observed.
  • The courses are suitable for all age groups from 9 years and require good health. Particular fitness is not an explicit requirement.
  • Please arrive 10 minutes in advance with a mat and appropriate sportswear.

Information on regular classes, workshops and retreats  #PrivateRoofSport.