
NEws & Events

Sew your own face masks!


03.04. 08:45 - 19.04.2020 00:00


Face masks are on everyone’s lips right now, quite literally!

On 31 March 2020, BIKINI BERLIN’s social media team provided its Facebook and Instagram fans and followers with the ultimate DIY sewing instructions to make their own face coverings.

You can follow the step-by-step sewing instructions here on Instagram

Happy sewing and stay healthy!



*This community face mask has neither been tested nor certified. The use of this mouth and nose covering is at your own risk. It DOES NOT offer 100% protection from bacteria or viruses. Wearing it does not prevent you from infecting others, nor does it offer you protection from an infection. The level of protection also depends on the material used. Bikini Berlin assumes no liability for the mask’s effectiveness, production or proper use. After wearing, please change and wash your mask as often as possible.