

Gregoy that's me - an Interview with artist Bea Szenfeld


We are so excited to be here with you, and you can’t imagine what an honor it is to have you here! You’re such an incredible artist and definitely an icon for the fashion industry.


How did you come up with the idea of using paper as a fabric?

I’m educated as a cheramist and sculpture, and after a while I thought „maybe fashion could be fun“.  So, I started to have my own brand for like 5 years and after that, or during that period, I was experimenting with different fabrics, for example: salad, you know the one you’re eating. 


After that I started to try doing it with paper, and I thought that me and paper are going along very, very, very well. So that’s how it all started. I finally found my material sixteen years ago.

Is there a method to the madness when it comes to work with paper? I guess there’s a big yes, so could you name us a few?

Oh yes!“ she giggles and smiles.
„Paper is very fragile, and if it’s touched by people who are not aware of the usage with paperclothing, the logistics can be very, very difficult. My Team and I are very common with the way of how to lift them, transport them etc.


Of course there’s the aging of paper. You can’t keep a clean white forever. You can’t do anything about it. White will get yellow, red will get pink, so this is one of the more difficult things about it.


Stitching paper is way different than stitching normal fabrics. I had to kind of invent new techniques of how to combine the fabric to one another and how to make them hold just like normal textiles.“



We did a little research about you, and we found out that you had a 8 month internship at Stella McCartney. What did you learn there and do you think it shaped you as a human?

At Stella, Well, I really learned from her that it doesn’t matter how rich you are, what a big star you are: you can always be polite.

She was saying hello to each and everyone of her workers in the studio. She’s such a kind person, who wanted to buy us breakfast if we wanted to, and she is very much funny! She is so nice and just an amazing human being.

What’s interesting about her is that she has so much power in the things she’s doing, but still stands her ground. She has strong morals and ethics which mirrors in her collections, in her way of work, and in the way she wants to spread a message. Not only to her employees, but also to her customers. 

Many people may not know about your huge variety of talent, but they definitely know one particular work of yours, which is the Lady Gaga-Bear Dress she whore in the G.U.Y musicvideo.
How did she get aware of your work?

It was her management and her stylist who reached out to me because obviously, such a big star has no time to do some google research about paper clothing.
Actually I was kind of afraid because I sort of knew that she wanted to do it in a pool and I just thought to myself that it’s Gaga so she can do everything with it haha!

Could you identify yourself with some of Gaga’s viewpoints? Because you are both strong, independent women who definitely have something in common when it comes to art and fashion.

Absolutely. To be brave and take risks. To be strong and confident, not just with the things you do, but also with yourself and your body.
You should not certainly go with the flow just because everybody does. Listen to your heart and stand for your opinions.
I worked with Björk as well, and she is just like Gaga, a truly powerful girl, with a huge kind of sexual power, but in a different way.
And I think when it comes to my fashion, the garments need a powerful person in them to really live. 

Do you have some advice for younger people who are struggling with some kinds of personal issues, insecurities in order to improve their way of being themselves. 


Breathe. You have time. There’s no rushing to learn in any handcraft.
No matter what you do: it doesn’t come over night. You need time, and you need time to be patient with you.
You should not stress yourself. Invest your time and energy and projects and work hard because there will always be people who’re going to question you. And that’s good – because you learn about yourself!

Thank you so much Bea. It was so nice to have you here and be inspired by you! We wish you all the best.